Are you ready for Simpler Recycling legislation?

The paperless office is a long way off

As well as managing the general waste, Ward provide scalable office waste management services to suit everyone from lawyers to call centres.  Specialist skills are particularly required to properly manage the high volumes of paper and confidential waste generated by modern offices. We can provide secure mobile shredding facilities to offices that produce high volumes of confidential paper based information and because we are an authorised treatment facility (ATF), we have permitted sites for carrying out and treating waste electrical and electronic wastes including de-pollution, disassembly, shredding, recovery, or preparation for disposal.

In summary, relevant services we provide include:

  • General waste, including food and office rubbish
  • Paper, card and general consumables – sort, process, pulp and recycle
  • Electrical and electronic waste
  • Secure bins, skips and containers for mixed and streamed waste
  • Emergency waste removal and treatment, including hazardous waste and flooding, sludge & effluent spillages
  • Dry mixed recycling
  • Waste processing
  • Wood, plastics, polythene and metals
  • Compliance and system administration

Call our Professional Services team on 0345 337 0000 to find out more.

Download our guide on how Ward makes sure you keep things confidential!

Confidential waste