Are you ready for Simpler Recycling legislation?


Opening hours

Monday - Friday: 7am - 5pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed


Our Cardiff metal recycling site handles the bulk processing and recycling of ferrous metals.

What to do on arrival

The site is located off Cold Store Road within Associated British Port of Cardiff.



Cardiff Services

  • Ferrous Metal
  • Non-Ferrous Metal


Cold Store Road
CF10 4LY

Our locations

Find your nearest Ward recycling site from the locations listed below.

York Swadlincote Chesterfield Ilkeston Griffon Road Cardiff Ilkeston WardRobe Donald Ward House Ilkeston Crompton Road

Got a Question?

  • Please fill in our contact form or call us on 0345 337 00 00
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.