Helping you dispose of hazardous waste
What is hazardous waste?
Hazardous waste is any material that poses a risk to humans and the environment. This includes everything from asbestos to paints, inks and resins, oil filters, fluorescent tubes, contaminated packaging residues, detergents containing hazardous substances and batteries. Even discarded electrical equipment, such as TVs and computer monitors, fridges and freezers chemicals contain ozone depleting substances.
Hazardous waste comes in a number of different forms and, although not all the material is toxic, it still means that the material needs to be handled by specialists.
Specific materials such as asbestos, need to be very carefully disposed of to prevent fibres from dislodging. The European Waste Catalogue is used to comprehensively catalogue hazardous waste and define these items of waste. If a product is on the list, then it needs to be handled by an expert team such as the dedicated team here at Ward.
What are the legal requirements for the disposal of hazardous waste?
All hazardous materials need to be handled carefully to prevent injury and contamination, especially when it comes to their disposal. There are a wide range of different regulations in place to ensure hazardous waste is disposed of in a safe and controlled environment.
Everybody involved in the production, storage, transportation and disposal of hazardous materials has a duty of care to ensure they complete processes as safely as possible.
How can you dispose of hazardous waste safely?
Whether dealing with waste that presents an immediate hazard, or waste that could pose a threat in the future, it is vitally important that it is handled and disposed of properly by an authorised business. Materials must be carried safely, separated and documented records kept to record processes that have taken place. A great deal of effort goes into maximising safety and keeping the risk of contamination to a minimum.
How can Ward help your hazardous waste?
As part of our extensive range of recycling and waste removal services, we provide advice, guidance and disposal services for many different types of hazardous waste.
We operate our own recycling facility and are registered to carry waste. We adhere to the highest standards and work closely with the Environment Agency.
At Ward we offer free disposal advice to both businesses and domestic clients, including information about how to get rid of everything from batteries to large appliances and asbestos. See how we support the Clegg Group with their hazardous waste needs.
For more information about our comprehensive hazardous waste services, call our waste management team on 0345 337 00 00 or fill in our contact form.