Clearing hazardous construction waste
In many construction and demolition projects, there are certain hazardous materials which cannot simply be disposed of in the usual way.
What is hazardous on a construction or demolition site?
The European Commission has recently updated its list of materials classified as hazardous; the list now includes batteries, fridges and freezers, gas cylinders, paint and electrical goods, as well as asbestos, chemicals, solvents and pesticides.
These potentially dangerous and hazardous materials need to be handled in such a way that they pose no risk to the environment or to the health and safety of employees or the general public.
How to dispose of hazardous construction waste?
Some hazardous materials, particularly those produced during industrial operations, can contaminate land and water if disposed of incorrectly. At Ward we carry out sampling and analysis of potentially contaminated land to assess the nature of the threat. We can then work out individual action plans for remediation of the problem by excavating the land, or disposing of the contaminating materials.
Hazardous waste and land remediation
Brownfield sites are often the most viable option for redevelopment and construction or demolition sites often need to be fully remediated to make them safe for future development.
In many cases derelict sites have been the location of industrial activity, which has led to heavy contamination. Soil and water may have been contaminated by asbestos; hydrocarbons; heavy metals; chemicals and even invasive plant species.
Asbestos removal and site surveys
One of the most well-known hazardous substances is asbestos. If you are embarking on a demolition or construction project involving asbestos removal, Ward can help you get rid of it safely, without posing a danger to health. We can manage your project to contain the threat and collect and dispose of the material on your behalf.
How can Ward help you clear hazardous construction waste?
Fully licensed to work with asbestos and with more than three decades of experience in hazardous waste management, Ward is one of most experienced remediation contractors in the UK.
See how Ward took its waste management expertise to London’s North Pole Depot to demolish structures, remove hazardous waste and clear a site near to the live railway. The project removed over 5,000 tonnes of material and achieved a recycling in excess of 98% during the four month programme.
We value safety and can handle a wide range of different hazardous materials. We operate our own recycling facility and are registered to carry waste. We adhere to the highest standards and work closely with the Environment Agency.
As part of our extensive range of recycling and waste removal services, we provide advice, guidance and disposal services for many different types of hazardous waste. For more information about clearing hazardous construction waste, visit our demolition and construction sector page or call our dedicated waste management team on 0345 337 00 00 for a free consultation.