Ward Recycling and Peak FM Community Clean Up Campaign
We are proud to be local and want you to be proud of your local community too…
As a modern recycling business, Ward aims be a positive force in the world and that starts with the local community close to our five sites across Derbyshire. That’s why Ward has partnered up with Peak FM to help clean up North Derbyshire and are taking on a big Community Clean Up.
Know somewhere in North Derbyshire that needs cleaning up?
If your local public footpath, park, club house or community centre needs some tidying and TLC, let us know and we could be cleaning it up this summer.
Want to get involved as a volunteer?
We are also looking for volunteers to join our Clean Up Squad in mid-September, so if you are willing to get involved sign up here: http://www.peakfm.co.uk/local/the-community-clean-up/
As a local business that specialises in waste management and resource recycling we are proud to partner with Peak FM to support the Community Clean Up this summer.
How to get involved:
To recommend an area of the local community that needs a helping hand from Ward’s Clean Up Squad or to join the clean up team as a volunteer, fill in this form http://www.peakfm.co.uk/local/the-community-clean-up/ by Sunday September 10th at 12 midnight and we’ll be in touch.
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